Bag 1-1001

How It Works


Become a member (for free)

Become a member

Because our accessories are completely authentic we ask you to become a member first. We have to verify your identity and perform a credit check in much the same way as if you were hiring a car. Applying for membership is free and being a member is free.


Find an accessory that's right for you

Choose your accessory

Search for your accessory and we'll let you know what's available. When you book your accessory let us know what time you'd like it dropping off and at what time you'll be returning it.


Book your item


At checkout, tell us exactly where you'd like us to deliver the item to. We'll deliver your accessory to you personally via courier. Don't forget to have your original passport with you. We'll pick the accessory up from the same place.


Enjoy your accessory

Using your accessory

Enjoy using the item you've hired. If you have any problems at all please phone us or email us at [email protected]


Return your item

Returning your item

Please return your item undamaged to our courier.  He will pick your accessory up at the same location he dropped it off and at the date and time you chose when you booked the item.