Bag 1-1001

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you deliver to?

We currently deliver to Gibraltar, Marbella, Estepona, Sotogrande and locations in between.

At what times do you deliver and pick up?

Our couriers aim to deliver and pick up our accessories from our customers between 10am and midday.

What happens if the accessory is damaged when I receive it?

We check our products carefully before they are made available for hire. However if an item is delivered to you and it is not in the condition described in the item's product details you should email us immediately at [email protected] with a picture of the item showing the damage. We can then try to arrange for an alternative to be delivered to you or a refund.

Can you deliver to a friend?

No. We must deliver to you personally and you must have the passport with you that you submitted when you applied for membership.

Do you take damage deposits?

No but please look after our accessories as though they were your own.

Here is the relevant clause in the contract regarding damage:

“Minor Damage” is damage that has occurred to the item that can be removed with a non-abrasive cloth and/or a cleaning product that does not cause discolouration or further damage to the item.  An example of Minor Damage might be dirt on the outside of a handbag.

“Repairable Damage” is damage that is more serious than Minor Damage and, in our sole opinion, can be repaired by a qualified craftsman in a way that the item can be restored to its Expected Condition. An example of Repairable Damage might be a link in a watch-strap that has come loose or a broken zip on a handbag.

“Serious Damage” is damage that is more serious than Repairable Damage and cannot be repaired by a qualified craftsman in a way that the item can be restored to its Expected Condition. An example of Serious Damage would be a visible gouge in the material of an item, a permanent stain on a handbag’s lining, a burn or a scorch mark.

6.1 If the item is returned to us with Minor Damage then you’re not be liable to pay us anything further.

6.2 If the item is returned to us with Repairable Damage then we’ll inform you of this by email.

(a) When we have a quote for the repair, we’ll tell you the Repair Cost.  You’re immediately liable to pay us the Repair Cost.  Once you’ve paid us the Repair Cost you do not own the item.

(b) If the Repair Cost is close to, or greater than, the Replacement Value of the item then we’ll give you the option of paying the Replacement Value.  If you pay the Replacement Value then you’ll own the item and we’ll arrange for it to be delivered to you.

6.3 If the item is returned to us with Serious Damage then we’ll inform you of this by email and tell you the Replacement Value of the item. You’re immediately liable to pay us this Replacement Value.  Once you’ve paid us the Replacement Value you own the item and we’ll arrange for it to be delivered to you.

Do you provide insurance?

No. Before hiring an accessory you should have sufficient insurance if you lose the item, have it stolen or damage it permanently because you're liable for the Replacement Value of the item in those circumstances.

What happens if I lose my accessory or it is stolen?

You are liable for the Replacement Value of any item you hire from us. Please check that your insurance covers you for hiring items.

What happens if the item is damaged when I hand it back?

Please see the answer to the question above regarding damage deposits.

What do I do if I've moved house and my credit card address has changed?

Please email us at [email protected] with your new address details. We will probably need to perform a new credit check but we will not charge you for this.