Bag 1-1001

Become a Member

Enjoy hand-delivered exclusive designer accessories
Become a member


Please read this before you start your application

Your Membership Application

1. The accessories that we hire are valuable authentic designer items. To avoid potential fraud we need to verify your identity and perform what's called a soft credit check, which does not affect your credit rating at all.

2. We will only use your information for these purposes. We recognise that the information we ask for here is confidential. We will keep your information safe and we will never give or sell this information to any third party.

3. Acceptable documents to show proof of address are your resident's card (both sides), your driver's licence or a utility bill (not mobile phone bill) from less than 3 months ago.

4. For the purposes of GDPR you agree to let us keep your information for as long as you are a member. If you decide to stop being a member, email us at [email protected] and we will remove your personal information along with your membership.

5. We will try to process your application as quickly as we can but you should expect to wait several business days for us to respond, letting you know whether or not your membership application has been successful.

6. We accept members at our sole discretion and if your application is unsuccessful we will not give you a reason for our decision. Our decision on whether or not to accept you is final and there is no right of appeal.
Application for Membership

Terms and Conditions of Hire

Please read these terms very carefully, since these terms form part of our legal hire contract with you and they are enforceable.

We have tried to make the terms as clear as possible but if you do not understand any of these terms, or they confuse you in any way, please email us at [email protected] for further clarity.

If you do not agree with any of these terms please do not apply for membership to this site.

In the following sections:

“You” refers to you as the hirer of the item.

“We” or “Us” refers to the legal owner of the item, who is hiring it to you for a set period of time for your personal enjoyment in return for a hire fee and the acceptance of these terms.

“Item” is the item or items being hired to you by us.

“Replacement Value” is, in our reasonable sole opinion, the cash value of the item listed in the details section when you book the item for hire.  It does not necessarily relate to the price of a similar item if purchased in the open market and is not a negotiable figure.

1.1 You agree that you’ll have sufficient insurance in place (either via your household contents, your holiday insurance or other personal insurance) to cover the Replacement Value of the item that you want to hire. You’re responsible for paying your insurer any premium or excess.

1.2 You need to be sure that the item you’re hiring is suitable for your purposes before you hire the item. If you have questions about any item please contact us before you hire it.

1.3 We won’t be liable to you (we won’t give you a refund) if the item is unsuitable for your purposes. So please be aware that:

(a) the shade of colour of an item on a monitor or phone screen will be different to the shade of colour of the same item in natural or artificial lighting, and

(b) the model we have used for the representative pictures on this site is 5’8″ tall.

1.4 You can only pay to hire an item using a payment method that is registered to the address you used when applying for membership. If you want to change your address then you’ll need to contact us at [email protected], with your new proof of address, and we’ll need to run a new soft credit check at your new address.

2.1 We’ll only deliver an item to you

(a)  if we’ve received the hire payment from you in full, and

(b) in person and not to a representative, relative or friend, and

(c) after you have shown your original passport to our courier.

2.2 When checking out on this website please provide an accurate description of the delivery/pick-up location for our courier. If your description of the location is

(a) beyond where we normally deliver to (Gibraltar, Estepona, Sotogrande, Marbella and places in between), or

(b) unclear, or

(c) somewhere that we cannot deliver to for some reason (e.g. limited access to vehicles), 

then we’ll try to contact you to arrange a suitable alternative delivery location. The location we agree to deliver to is the “Agreed Delivery Location”.

2.3 When you hire the item you’ll select your preferred delivery time.  We’ll contact you to let you know if we can be there at that time or if we need to change that time for some reason.  When we’ve agreed a convenient time for delivery, this will be the “Delivery Time”.

2.4 If you’re not at the Agreed Delivery Location at the Delivery Time then we’ll try to contact you  but the courier won’t stay there for more than 30 minutes beyond the Delivery Time if we can’t get hold of you.

2.5 If we manage to contact you we might be able to arrange re-delivery that same day for an additional courier charge.

2.6 If we can’t contact you and you’re not at the Agreed Delivery Location within 30 minutes of the Delivery Time, or we do contact you but we can’t arrange re-delivery, then

(a) if your hire period is for one night then we won’t re-deliver the item but you’ll still be charged the hire fee and you won’t receive any refund, or

(b) if your hire period is for more than one night, you’ll still be charged that night’s hire fee but we’ll try to re-deliver the item the next day at the same location and time.

2.7 If our courier is delayed then we’ll try to contact you, explaining the reason for the delay.  If we’re going to be more than 30 minutes late then you can choose a reasonable alternative location for delivery that is more convenient to you.

2.8 If we can’t, for whatever reason, deliver the item to you then we will give you a full refund of the cost of hire that you paid to us after checkout.

3.1 It’s our responsibility to deliver the item to you in the condition described in the item description on this site, which is the item’s “Expected Condition”. 

3.2 It’s important that when you receive your item from the courier you inspect it carefully there and then. This is the item’s “Condition on Delivery”.  If you believe that the Condition on Delivery is not the same as the Expected Condition of the item then:

(a) Let the courier know.

(b) Take a photo of the the item that shows the difference(s) and email the photo to us at [email protected].

(c) If we agree that the Condition on Delivery is not the Expected Condition then we’ll take the item back and provide you with a refund of the cost of hire you paid at checkout or, if we both agree, an alternative item.

3.3 If you don’t contact us straight away then we can assume that the Condition on Delivery is the same as the Expected Condition.

4.1 Once you’ve taken delivery of an item, you are solely responsible for it until you return it to our courier. If you lend an item to someone else (which we don’t advise) then you still have responsibility for it.

4.2 You agree to take good care of the item as if it were your own.

4.3 If you want to return the item before the end of the Initial Hire Period then please contact us at [email protected] or by phone.  We’ll try to arrange a pick up of the item the next day between 10am and midday at the Agreed Delivery Location. There’s no refund for the early return of an item.

4.4 If you want to hire out the item for longer than the hire period you have paid for (the “Initial Hire Period”), then please contact us by phone or at [email protected].  If the item is available then we’ll let you know and let you know the additional cost.  If the item has been booked out by someone else then you’ll need to return the item at the end of the Initial Hire Period.

5.1 You have to return the hired item to our courier at the same location that you received it (the Agreed Delivery Location).

5.2 When you hire the item you select your preferred return time.  We’ll contact you to let you know if we can be there at that time or if we need to change that time for some reason.  When we’ve agreed a convenient time for you to return your item this will be the “Return Time”.

5.2 If it looks like you’ll be late getting to the Agreed Delivery Location then you need to let us know (by phone or email) as soon as possible. You’re liable for the following charges in the event of a late return:

(a) up to 30 minutes after the Return Time – no charge

(b) over 30 minutes and up to 1 hour after the Return Time – £15 late fee

(c) over 1 hour and up to 3 hours after the Return Time – the cost of one night’s hire at the item’s single night hire rate

5.3 You are liable to pay us the Replacement Value of the item if:

(a) you have not contacted us (by phone or email) and you do not return the item to the Agreed Delivery Location at the Return Time, or

(b) you have contacted us but you fail to return the item to us to the Agreed Delivery Location within 3 hours of the Return Time

5.4 If you pay us the Replacement Value of the item then you will own the item.

“Minor Damage” is damage that has occurred to the item that can be removed with a non-abrasive cloth and/or a cleaning product that does not cause discolouration or further damage to the item.  An example of Minor Damage might be dirt on the outside of a handbag.

“Repairable Damage” is damage that is more serious than Minor Damage and, in our sole opinion, can be repaired by a qualified craftsman in a way that the item can be restored to its Expected Condition. An example of Repairable Damage might be a link in a watch-strap that has come loose or a broken zip on a handbag.

“Serious Damage” is damage that is more serious than Repairable Damage and cannot be repaired by a qualified craftsman in a way that the item can be restored to its Expected Condition. An example of Serious Damage would be a visible gouge in the material of an item, a permanent stain on a handbag’s lining, a burn or a scorch mark.

6.1 If the item is returned to us with Minor Damage then you’re not be liable to pay us anything further.

6.2 If the item is returned to us with Repairable Damage then we’ll inform you of this by email.

(a) When we have a quote for the repair, we’ll tell you the Repair Cost.  You’re immediately liable to pay us the Repair Cost.  Once you’ve paid us the Repair Cost you do not own the item.

(b) If the Repair Cost is close to, or greater than, the Replacement Value of the item then we’ll give you the option of paying the Replacement Value.  If you pay the Replacement Value then you’ll own the item and we’ll arrange for it to be delivered to you.

6.3 If the item is returned to us with Serious Damage then we’ll inform you of this by email and tell you the Replacement Value of the item. You’re immediately liable to pay us this Replacement Value.  Once you’ve paid us the Replacement Value you own the item and we’ll arrange for it to be delivered to you.

7.1 We don’t offer or sell any insurance products and none of the cost of hiring our items contains any insurance premium or damage deposit.

7.2 We don’t accept any liability if you suffer loss or damage, directly or indirectly, as a consequence of taking delivery of, using or returning an item hired from us.

7.3 We won’t, in any circumstances, be liable to you for any amount more than the cost of hire that you paid to us at checkout.

7.4 We don’t claim any photographic or other media rights over the item while you’re hiring it.  Any images or videos that you take of the item while you are hiring it freely belong to you.

7.5 Our agreement is constructed under the laws of England and Wales. You agree that any legal dispute will be settled in the courts of Gibraltar (if you are a Gibraltar resident) or England and Wales (if you are a resident of the United Kingdom).

7.6 You give us permission to settle any amounts owing under this agreement using the method of payment you used at checkout.

7.7 If we are unsuccessful using this payment method then we may use the services of a Gibraltar debt collection agency or a UK debt collection agency to recover funds.  We’ll let you know if that is going to happen.  Please note that if we have to do that, it is likely to have a negative effect on your credit rating.